Thursday 8 December 2011

Annoying companies and the craft of being at home

Let just start with annoying compannies, Ive worked out i dont get any wireless internet at my place, I attempted to upload pic on my blog the other day and after 3 hours gave up. I only seem to get 2bars of internet at my place, I dont have a home phone so not connected through that. I simply have a wireless dongle.. looks like ill have to look into upgrading...
now on to the crafts, I have found myself to have an obsession with op shops knitting and sewing ALL-IN-ONE!
I am having a daugter in march, so have been knitting like crazy but now im sewing skirts and adding a knitted bodice to the skirt to make a two tone dress.... some have turned out so cute, almost like a shop made dress.... i wish i could upload pics but it takes all day.... hopefully will get down the street in a few days where i can upload some pics for everyone to see.....
i should get back to the cleaning.....
Maybe even some more crafty things this arvo when this warmth cools....

Sunday 4 December 2011

still learning & some new projects

Ok so i've learnt how to post blogs, and format the font, etc..... now im going to try uploading pic's and see if it works.

Here is some new things i've attempted to make, there's no pattern to these dresses just something i was mucking around with.
basicly i knitted the top and with some fabric i picked up from the op shop nice and cheap i sewed up a skirt and attached the two together to form a dress..... thought was quite fancy so i did a second one...

I will however, sometime soon, write up a pattern for these and place them on

Let me know what your thoughts are on these dresses......

Ok, so here goes the uploading.... Hope it works..... :-)

Saturday 3 December 2011

Starting up

Hi to anyone who reads this, My name is Jes and im new to blogging, so here's a little about myself and what it is i do.

Im a single mother of 2 boys and a little girl on the way. I'm very crafty and Love knitting, sewing, and scrap booking. Mainly knitting though. I also recently learnt how to crochet and am addicted to making flowers...
I Plain to write and post my knitting patterns on here and ravelry as I am always making new patterns up.

So there you go.... That's a little about me. Please bear with me as I start to learn how to blog.

Warm Regards
JD Designs